Hunedoara Demo

Hunedoara Demo

On January 21, Hunedoara Demo took place, an event held as part of the 4ChallengeTransilvania tournament. Together with RavenTech , we hosted 18 teams to prepare together for the official FIRST Tech Challenge competitions organized in Romania by Nație prin Educație. We want to thank Primăria Hunedoara, Pizza Hot, Cosimo and Fabrica de Pâine Peștiș for their support, but also our parents who helped us have a well organized event! We...

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The first demo from the 4ChallengeTransilvania tournament

The first demo from the 4ChallengeTransilvania tournament

On January 7th the first demo from the 4ChallengeTransilvania tournament hosted by Delta Force took place. We had the opportunity to make new friends, test our robot and prepare for future events.

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